Friday 6 January 2012

Jan 6/2012

Another gorgeous day but by islander standards, it's cool and a bit windy. Kris we are still walking an hour every day so hopefully that will keep some of the calories down. I stopped to get some ice cream 1/2 way through our walk. Well I asked how much and she said $7. I exclaimed $7 for a cone of ice cream? She replied, it's $9 if you want it in a cone! Oh my God!! I enjoyed every single spoonful of homemade coffee and kalua ice cream! There's quite a few different types of fun activities a person can do here.


At 6 January 2012 at 15:05 , Blogger Kris said...

Wow! A 9$ cone! Yikes! Get the credit card out! Just got home from walking the loop with Pat and Ruth. Icy and cool today. Went for coffee and banana bread after. Pictures continue to be stunning!


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