Friday 14 February 2014

February 14, 2014


Today we went to an open house at the Mormon temple!! So yes Jeannie, we went to church hahaha! It was a magnificient piece of architecture (looked more like a hotel from the inside) & the expense they went to was really unbelievable. The chandelier must've cost at least $100,000 & there was 2 large ones & a few smaller ones. They also had a hot tub in one of the rooms that they baptize people in. I wish I would've thought to take my bathing suit! They are planning on building another one in Phoenix & one in Tucson! There was a lineup all the way down the street, around a corner & then around another corner & all the parking lots were absolutley full. I'm not sure that they were all Mormans or curiousity seekers like us. Of course they did not show us where they conduct the sermons.


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