Tuesday 4 February 2014

Historical Cruise January 29, 2014

We have landed on the Kona side or the dry side of the island. They only get about 8 cm of rain on this side so it is quite dry and sunny compared to the other side. We hopped on a smaller boat today that took us for a little tour along the ridge of the Kona side where Captain Cook met his end. They have raised a monument in his honor. There is tons of snorkelling around the reefs in this area to look at the fantastic coral and colorful fish. We also managed to see a couple of whales so that was really exciting for the passengers. They fed us on the boat, had a fantastic singer\guitar player and we learned how to hula dance if we wanted to.

Monument for Captain Cook where he died.
You can see part of a whale.
Tiny crabs walking on the ledge of the sea wall.

Our towel animal of the day. Can you guess what it is?


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