Tuesday 4 February 2014

Maui  January 27, 2014

Our “Best of Maui tour”  took us first to a rainforest. Of course, it was raining because I think that’s what it is supposed to do in a rainforest. The vegetation was extra ordinary. We didn’t see a lot of animals or birds, they were probably taking cover out of the rain. After the rainforest we went to a fruit plantation. They grow every kind of tropical fruit there that you can imagine. A tram took us through the plantation which grew papaya, avocado, coffee, pineapple, apple bananas, and macadamia nuts to name a few. The final part of the tour was to stop at another aquarium (Ocean Center).  This one had a lot of different fish such as a tiger shark, stingray, and some jellyfish. There is over 2000 species of fish in the aquarium so you can imagine what we saw. We walked through a huge glass tube and the fish were actually swimming above our heads so we could see the stingray’s underside! It was awesome! Dylan would’ve loved it!! The tiger shark is very rare in captivity & actually has stripes. They had hammerhead sharks too with eyeballs on the ends of the hammer part.

Here's the stingray's under belly!

Here's a regular shark.

These towel animals were made for us every day when we got back from our day trips. Can you guess what this one is?

This is the Iao Needle Mountain. It is famous cause it served as a lookout point for the people of Maui against other warriors coming onto the island.


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