Wednesday 5 March 2014

March 5, 2014   Palm Springs, California

We have arrived & been here for about 6 days. The weather’s been in the 70’s which is perfect for us & is now getting warmer into the 80’s. We are soooooo very happy to be here with all our friends from Calgary & of course a smaller city. This means I can drive which is awesome.
We stayed with Mel & Gilbert when we arrived on Friday as we did not book our condo until Saturday. They are very gracious hosts & wonderful to be with. I’ve known them for over 30 years from bowling in a league. On Saturday their new guests arrived from Edmonton & Vancouver so it was great to meet them & go out dancing to the oldies at Oscar’s! My God we had a blast!! The place was packed outside on the patio, drinks were flowing, & lots of laughs to be had. There are so many Canadians down here! Lois danced so much, her hips were sore the next day! hahaha
 The newscaster on tv stated that the economy has started turning around down here because the Canadians are buying up properties & living down here. Where the buildings in downtown were all empty & up for lease….are all back in business again. Isn’t that great! We do love it down here.

We also had a lovely visit here at the condo with a new friend Paula & her pup Eva that I met last year. Jane & Terrie who now live in Vernon, BC met us for lunch at Manhattan on the Desert on Monday. They will be here until 15th.  We will be reconnecting with them again. Palm Springs seems to be the place that is so close to the west side of the continent that everyone comes here & of course the lifestyle!   


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