Sunday 8 January 2012

Sunday, January 8th

We rented a car and have been touring the island. There really isn't much to see. Twenty minutes will take you from one end of the island to the other. Mary wants to take the ferry to North Caicos which is one of many islands here. I'm not crazy about doing that as I would imagine if you've seen one island here, you've seen them all. Driving here is really scarry as you drive on the opposite side of the road and everywhere you go there are turnabouts. It took me long enough to figure the one out a Sylvan Lake, let alone going through a turnabout every mile. Today it is windy but hot. We've been walking a lot on the sandy beaches. Tomorrow Mary wants to go shopping. Then on Tuesday we are going snorkling.


At 9 January 2012 at 06:33 , Blogger Kris said...

Weather still spectacular here. Suppose to get snow tomorrow. That will be a shock to our system. Book club here tonight. Back to school on Wed.Lois, the kids are waiting for you today. Haha! Walking with Pat and Ruth this morning. Did the full loop with Katrina last night around Scenic Acres. Had to hold her back.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. All that relaxation. Perfect!!!

At 9 January 2012 at 08:01 , Blogger Lois and Mary's adventure said...

Had our little walk again this am but it seemed to be harder than yesterday cause the tide was in higher and we then had to walk in ankle deep sand. We booked ourselves for an all day tour Thursday on the so it should be fun.

At 9 January 2012 at 17:03 , Blogger JR said...

Hey don't forget to just have a lazy day with some cool beverages in hand!

Bro J


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