Thursday 23 January 2014

 Here we are at the International Marketplace that is currently under renovations but we still managed to buy a small purse & watch that promptly stopped working  5 hours after!  I love the look of the roots of this tree!
Here we are at a restaurant we found around the corner for breakfast. Where we are staying, the meals are super expensive so we opted to find an alternate source for meals.

 Take a close look at the guy on the bicycle!! He has 3 extra seats on each side of the bike (6) & it looked like an octopus going down the street! HILARIOUS!!! This is how he makes a living. Giving people rides in this contraption.
 A picture of Diamond Head Mountain in the background. Lots of people take a hike to the top. It's used quite a bit so now there's a walk-able path going to the top. We are still recovering from the flight (14 hours)  & awake for 23 hours so no hikes for us!
We love it here! We are going to meet up with a couple of gal pals on Friday for supper on Waikiki Beach before we embark on our cruise (on Saturday).  We've been watching the news here & there is some dangerously high ocean swells here on the other side of the island & supposed to be subsiding today! Thank Goodness!!! I'd hate to be bobbing around on the ocean being on the rough water.


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