Wednesday 25 January 2012


If you ever thought Calgary drivers are bad, go to Mexico! Here, there are no marked lanes to drive in. Often there will be four lanes of traffic all trying to squeese into two lanes. People blow their horns all the time. Today someone was stopping at a school to pick up their kid. They didn't pull over to the side of the road so traffic behind them could pass, they just stopped in the middle of the road until the kid got in the car. Meanwhile everyone behind them was blowing the horn and waving. No one uses signal lights, they just turn. And when there is no place to park on the side of the road, people just park on the sidewalk.

Trying to walk on the sidewalk is another nightmare. If there is not a car parked on the sidewalk it is probably because there is a big hole in the sidewalk. You have to keep your eyes on the ground in front of you all the time or risk spraining an ankle in a hole. And don't every walk in front of a car because they will run you over and it will be your fault. They don't charge you with jay walking here. If you are stupid enough to walk in front of a car you deserve to get hit.

I sent all our laundry out today to get it washed. The whole thing will be back tomorrow for 6.00. They pick it up and deliver it washed and folded.

It certainly is a different world here.


At 25 January 2012 at 17:36 , Blogger Kris said...

Yes, the uneven pavement is a big concern. Good talking to you last night. Worked today. Super windy here.


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