Monday 23 January 2012

January 23

Yesterday we went shopping at the outdoor market. I bought some silver jewelery which is much cheaper here. Here is a photo of the people we know here. Ernesto owns the school we are volunteering and Wayne is the hairdresser we used to go to in Calgary. I had to get Wayne to dye my hair a darker color. Everyone was staring at me because of my height and blonde hair. Since I changed the color of my hair, they aren't staring at me as much. Blonde hair in southern Mexico is not very common.

Esnesto is an amazing tour guide. He has a degree in culture and language so knows a lot about his city and Mexico. We have seen some amazing catherdrals, churches, and museums. Enjoy the photos. Ernesto used to teach Spanish at the University of Calgary. We started our Spanish lessons today. It`s hard!


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