Thursday 19 January 2012

We made it!

After 10 Security checks and our bags torn apart, we finally made it to Mexico City. We then had a 2 hour bus ride to Puebla, had supper and then crashed at 9:30 p.m. It took us about 1 hour to get through immigration at the Miami airport and then another hour to find out where to go and to run through the building (cause it is so huge), up to the second floor only to have to catch the sky train to get to our gate. Very unnerving indeed! The airport in Miami is incredibley huge.

We had a lovely morning at the Canadian School.The kids did a performance for us. They sang and danced and we presented medals to some kids that got the best marks in Math. They sang the Mexican National Anthem in Spanish and and the the Canadian National Anthem in English. We sat in on an English class and they read to us and then asked us questions about Canada and things that we liked. Lois and I learned a lot about the kids too.

The Canadian dollar is 13 pesos equals 1 dollar so we are doing ok.


At 19 January 2012 at 15:04 , Blogger Kris said...

You made it! Yay!!


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