Tuesday 10 January 2012

Jan 10/2012

We are taking the car back today and Lois is happy about that! This driving on the other side of the road really makes her quite nervous! Some of the cars even have a the steering wheel on the other side. We went shopping in and around the touristy part of the town & of course it's pricey. In one of the jewllery stores (Cartier) they had a security guy posted  outside and a guard inside. After customers went in, they locked the door as well. Overkill or what! We did not go in!!
We did buy a couple of t-shirts buts that's it. We can't have our suitcases too heavy for our next trip to Mexico. Lois and I have been walking 2 hours a day for the last 3 days and now we are feeling it in the hips,  back, & calves. This must be from pushing in the sand. Parts of the beach are very soft for walking ergo harder to get the grip to push off. Lois is varying shades of red so she's being cautious about the sun and got a higher sun block. We will insert more pictures later.................. more to come.


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