Sunday 29 January 2012


If ever there was a place on earth that is the perfect example of noise pollution, it is Mexico. So far we have noticed:
- a dog that barks night and day which is just outside our hotel room
- cars driving past night and day
- horns blowing all the time
- a truck that drives up and down the street calling "gas" and playing music. They are selling propane tanks as large as a puebla man (five feet tall)
- being whisled out of parking stalls at the Walmart.When you go to back out of your parking stall a man runs up and blows a whistle to guide you out so there are no accidents. They will take your grocery cart back as well...but you have to tip him. That is how he makes a living.
- a truck driving down the road talking on a loud speaker because he wants to purchase your old metal and glass.
- While in the Walmart they have music playing loudly with advertising being shouted above the sound of the music
- in the hotel they may decide to have a party in the room next to you. There is no point in complaining as the culture here is that is ok. You put up with it and shut up.

This is so different than our neighbourhood in Calgary!


At 29 January 2012 at 13:47 , Blogger JR said...

I imagine the term culture shock takes on a whole new level when you are actually embedded in the day to day life of the locals. For most visitors to Mexico it would be a quick visit to a resort where everything is controlled. Out in the real Mexico you are getting the true flavor. Must be quite hard at times not to grab someone and scream "WTF!" lol


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