Saturday 3 March 2012

Costa Rica summer

So, here is something I didn't know! Even though Costa Rica is in the Northern Hemisphere (by only 10 degrees latitude), it is summer here from November to May. So we have arrived here in the middle of summer. Things are very dry and a lot of the trees do not have leaves on the trees. It is very hot here, but then again, it is the middle of summer, kinda like our August. They only have two seasons here...summer, and winter, which is the wet season. In the winter it only rains for two hours a day at the most but it is enough to make all of the trees come out in leaf.

Today it was very hot but I went into the pool for a long time. It's amazing how much a swimming pool can cool you down. Mary has gone out for a walk to take photos of birds. The parrots come out at this time of day and they are mating...actually all of the birds are mating right now, so the males are showing their best. Gotta prepared for photos of birds.



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