Friday 9 March 2012

OMG it's hot

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Just sitting on the terrace listening to the howler monkeys. Costa Rica is soooooooooooo hot. It has been 33 - 35 degrees every day. The trade winds off the water make it a bit cooler but it is very warm. We went shopping to Coco Beach yesterday, which really doesn't have that great of a beach, and it was so hot there I think that I got some heat stroke. I would not recommend Costa Rica for Spring break for teachers because by April it will be so hot here.

I did a lot of swimming in the pool the first five days we were here and am now suffering from a chest cold. It could be the air conditioning too. Mary and I rested most of today after our 16 hour tour yesterday.

The monkeys are sounding awfully close and Mary is getting nervous after the monkey attack yesterday so we'd better go for dinner. lol.


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