Monday 5 March 2012

Sunset and more

We have used the money we saved on the previous hotel to go on tours which start tomorrow. The company threw in free snorkeling yesterday. The guy picked us up in a small boat big enough for five people and we went across the bay. It was a calm day so no waves and you could see down into the water. The snorkeling is not even close to being as good as it was in Turks and Caicos. We saw a puffer fish, two turtles about 1/2 a meter in diameter, an eel, several small fish, and a seahorse. The coral is not especially nice...just looks like sea grass. As we were going along the coast Mary spotted several white faced monkies in the trees so we moved in for a closer look. We also had dolphins jumping right next to the boat. We don't have any photos because we didn't take the camera.......darn!

The sunsets here are amazing. Here are some photos of the volcanic rock on the beach. The sand here is black from the volcanic eruptions with white specks in it.


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