Tuesday 6 March 2012

Palo Verde National Park

These are fruit bats on the tree. When they line up it looks like a snake to fool predators.

This lizard looks like something prehistoric. Look at the shape of the head. These guys can skim along the water top, dive in, and travel along the top again with their feet that have small hairs on them.

Blue Heron

Blue Heron

Howler Monkey These guys are very antisocial and eat fruit and bugs.

The White-faced Monkey is very small and 2-6 kg and is very social, loves to visit, and play. They are 3 years old before they mate.

Blue and white swallow

Iguana turn almost white when they are ready to mate.

Crocodiles only live in Costa Rica no Alligators..

Howler Monkeys just hanging out after their breakfast. They sleep 90% of the time.

Todays's tour was going to the National Park and we travelled on a boat on the Tempisque River to look at all the wild life along the river. It was wonderful! This river reminds me of the Red and the Assinaboine River meeting at the junction.... well the same thing happens down here. The two rivers meet and every single year depending on the rainy season, they get floods and the people in the villages all have to be moved until things recede. Sometimes that can last up to 2 weeks. Too much rain means the sugarcane and rice do not grow so the conditions have to be just right. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Farmers are always complaining...... no matter what part of the world you're in.  Sugarcane is harvested 4 times a year. They burn it to while it is still in the field and this burning sweetens the cane. The rice only grows during the rainy season which is Sept and Oct. These are some of the things we saw today..........


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