Thursday 22 March 2012


Mary and I are definitely enjoying Palm Springs. Today we went for a one hour walk again, then went for lunch with four friends at a great golf course...made me wish I golfed...for about 10 minutes. The casino yesterday was fun but I lost $80.00 which made it a lot less FUN. We went out for an awful dinner at the Olive Garden that cost us $50.00. I would have had more fun at the casino with the $50.00. I need a pedicure, and now have to do it on my own due to all the money I lost...damn!

We went to the Palm Springs Museum tonight which was ok...a whole room of swimming pool photos just didn't inspire me. Then we looked at Mexican art, which I got my fill of in Mexico. There were about six things in the museum of interest, but, it was free to get in to the museum. Then we went to a street fair which was also ok. I got that, been there, done that feeling while walking down the street fair.

Our friends, Mel and Gilbert have been very gracious hosts taking us everwhere we want to go. When we got back from the street fair, Gilbert had dinner made for us! He is an amazing cook! We were planning to go to LA this weekend but have decided to stay put to lay out in the sun.

All is well and we are still enjoying life!


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