Sunday 11 March 2012


Yesterday we went on a tour to a waterfall, wildlife rescue center, and the rainforest. We had our camera charged when we left but must have left it on in the camera case, so the battery was dead when I went to take photos. So we wrote down everything we saw, then went to the internet to get photos. I guess it's kinda the same thing only someone else took the photos. Today is a day of rest for us because tomorrow we are off on another tour...the last one before we leave here. The animals at the rescue center were animals that were pets at one time or rescued cause they have an injury (like the 3 legged doe).

 Scarlet macaws
 A jaguar
 Ocelots - they are nocturnal cats
 A toucan
 This is one of the hanging bridges we walked over. There was a total of four bridges and I was so nervous going over them. It didn't bother Mary at all. Mary said you can see a lot of neat things from the hanging bridge. She said you see all the trees coming up and the orchids and bromolades that are living on the trees. The trees were covered with a spaghum moss. All I could see was the other end of the bridge.

 Bird of Paradise
 The trail we walked on. There were two other people with us on the tour from Oakville Ontario. Both of them are 72 years old. The walk was two hours up and down and both of the seniors stayed right up with us. They are in amazing shape for their age. I hope to be that way when I am 72.

 This is called a hanging lobster claw.
 This is the view of the volcano we saw. There are two volcanoes and the rainforest is between both volcanoes.
Llama del Cortez Waterfall

 The waterfall we saw...nothing like Niagara Falls.


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