Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Saturday Drive

On Saturday we braved the roads of Mexico to a small town about an hour away called Toscala (sp ?) The drive there was a winding rough road with several speed bumps that were so high the bottom of the car would scrape as we went over them. The town is famous for it onyx which is a rock that is like marble. You wouldn't believe some of the things the artists have carved out of rock. I took a few photos outside the store but was not allowed to take any inside.

We also went to a cathedral that they started to build in 1540. The Spanish government would not fund it after 1542 and it was only partically completed. Being inside the partially built ruins made me think of the book Pillars of the Earth. Ernesto was our tour guide. We went to a church next door but there was a service going on. We couldn't take photos there.

Enjoy the photos.

This is going through the front door.

The archways and coloumns are all on the inside where the gathering place would be.

This is one of the original doors.

This is taken inside the structure looking toward the door. Beautiful lines and architecture.

Look at how short the doors are! Yes, Wayne hates posing....can you tell.?

This the the spiral staircase going up the tower to the bell that normally would be rung regularly.

There are still crypts inside the open spaces that hold the priests that have passed away from that era.
This is the church that the service was being held.



At 1 February 2012 at 15:24 , Blogger Kris said...

Amazing. I just love the culture down there. Hope all is well.


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