Monday 6 February 2012

Feb 5/6

We went to Varacruz for two days. It is the beach area that the Mexican go to, not a resort for people from other countries. The resort was great and expensive by Mexican standards. We paid 120.00 for a room with an ocean view. The same thing in the US or Canada would be well over 300.00. The drive there was fast...140-180 km per hour, but we were there in record time. The beaches have people selling stuff and you can buy just about anything shorts, jewlery, fruit whatever you want. Here are some photo.


At 7 February 2012 at 15:31 , Blogger Kris said...

Yay, new pictures.

At 7 February 2012 at 17:01 , Blogger JR said...

Glad to see you finally getting out and dong some touring. Looks like everyone had lots of food and fun! Thanks for the pix.


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