Sunday 19 February 2012

Myan Riveria

We arrived at our hotel on the Myan Riveria on Wednesday. This place is like paradise! The weather has been  about 32 degrees each day. There are green trees, extraordinary flowers, and more food than you could ever eat. At last count I counted five fresh water pools and two salt water pools. The gym is huge with every kind of equipment you would need. They have activities going on all the time like water polo and volleyball in the pool and on the sand. In the evening they plan activities such as a casino with fake money that you use from your winnings to buy things at the end of the casino, a disco for dancing, and karoke. They really know how to make you comfortable. Tomorrow we start our tours the we have planned. Tomorrow is the Myan ruin of Chichen Iza.

Gosh I wish I was at teachers convention!

This guy dressed up as Grandma Veronica and taught us how to make a mexican dip. He was hilarious!

 These are the rocks in front of the resort. There is no beach out front because the ocean is too rough. They have more than made up for no beach with the number of pools and sand they have brought in.


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