Thursday 9 February 2012

culture shocked and surviving

Our friend Ernesto told us tonight that when you are travelling sometimes you reach the point that you cannot stand it anymore. We reached that point today!

After three weeks of a dog barking day and night, smelling the sewerge through the shower drain, listening to sounds through the walls like snoring, flushing the toilet, and two nights of endless partying, we have had ENOUGH! The straw that broke the camels back was the party next door last night that started at 11:30 and ended at around 3:00am. This was a rather loud party with yelling, screaming, and the occasional howl at the was a full moon. Then, believe it or not, they woke up at 7:00 am! And started slaming doors, talking loud and clicking their high heels (poor short bastards have to wear heels) down the hall! I woke up crying...Mary didn't cry until later in the day.

We went to the school and told our friend Ernesto that we had ENOUGH. He phoned the hotel we had been in and in elogent Spanish told them we were not impressed. They wanted another change but ....I told more chances! We are now in a Best Western hotel three times the room size of the one we were in, for 19 dollars more. We have been eating the same breakfast of an omlet, black beans, and bread or corn torillas for almost four weeks, now we have a choice of something different.

No one can speak English where we are. I tried in extremely broken Spanish to order coffee for me and hot water for Mary. An hour later we got two coffee. I've discovered that travelling is great when you have the pecos to stay in a five star resort but when you live with the prepared for laughs, frustrations, and tears when you cannot withstand the noise! Canada is so peaceful. Grasp it, hold it, and cherish it...though it is friggen cold at times. It is so quiet at this hotel................................Good night


At 12 February 2012 at 07:18 , Blogger JR said...

Culture shock indeed! You made the right move. The "local" living experience sounds like something out of a bad movie - one with an unhappy ending. Hope things at the BW turn things around. Good luck.


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