Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tonantizintala, Puebla

On Sunday we went to another town called Tonantzintla. It is a place where the Spaniards let the local indigionous people create their own church. It is all done in Baroque style. Basically what they did was used clay, flour, and egg yokes to make the shapes and faces in the church, then covered them with gold. It is clearly an extraordinary sight to see.

This is the domed ceiling

The whole interior is filled with faces like this.

We went to see another church that was built upon a pyramid. It started to rain and I was really tired from the weekend so we left. Mary and I are now ready to leave Puebla. Tomorrow we are going to a museum for a field trip. Yeah a field trip I don't have to plan.

Tonight Ernesto gave us a Spanish lesson how to swear at people who won't leave us alone. Hopefully we will never need to know it.

That's all for now....


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