Wednesday 8 February 2012

Field Trip

Today we went on a field trip to a museum with the school. It sure is relaxing going on a field trip when you are a volunteer and not the teacher. I was watching the teachers trying to keep track of all the kids and knew exactly how they felt when they were counting the kids and missing one. The museum was about the ancient cultures in the states of Puebla and Varacruz. Everything was in Spanish so it was hard for Mary and I to understand. However, we got the meaning of the large stone penis and testicles. We weren't permitted to take photos.

Here are a few photos of before we went into the museum.

There was an orchestra playing on the way in. This is not a great photo but the music was amazing. You wouldn't believe the acoustics in these large stone buildings.

This little cutie is one of the students at the class. She has three maids to look after her. The maid was holding her and she was looking at me. All of a sudden she stuck her tongue out at me, so I stuck my tongue out at her. Mary and I laughed and laughed. She is just adorable.

There is some kind of carnival going on that has something to do with Spaniards but Mary and I don't know what it was about. Here are some neat photos of statues in costume.


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